What kind of rumors have you been spreading about yourself?
Rumors has it that...
I'm worthy.
I'm brilliant.
I've got this.
I trust myself.
This is my year.
I am a six figure entrepreneur.
What if these rumors were actually true?
Stop the rumor, stand in your truth.

We create our dream life by owning who we are, our desire, and what’s possible.

Not by spreading rumors.
Join us in January to explore how The Rumors Are True.
The Rumors Are True Immersion Experience
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Beginning January 23rd

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A 2 week experience consisting of 4 modules

The Rumors are True Immersion Experience will consist of 4 modules:

Module 1: Why we start rumors
  • Release your old identity to become the truest version of who you are now.
Module 2: Making the shift
  • Experience true confidence and take decisive action as you create FROM worthiness instead of creating TO GET to it.
  • Attract support in your most important relationships as you as you operate in your leadership.
  • Create from belief  so that you become magnetic to the abundance you desire.
  • What patterns get to change with in you?
  • What patterns get to change with how you interact with others?
Module 3: Standing in your truth
  • Discover how to make a lasting vibrational shift that lights up your life and has you taking bold inspired actions to create your most exciting future.
  • Hold powerful boundaries around your time and energy - no more burnout or depletion required!
  • Become a powerful decision maker and make the bold moves you crave
Module 4: Prospering from the seeds of truth you planted
  • Normalize the idea of creating big wealth so that you train your subconscious to expect it.
  • Staying in the truth/watering it daily to reinforce your belief.
  • Honoring your truth and trusting your own wise guidance as you move forward.
The Rumors are True Immersion Experience will consist of 4 modules:

Module 1: Why we start rumors
  • Release your old identity to become the truest version of who you are now.
Module 2: Making the shift
  • Experience true confidence and take decisive action as you create FROM worthiness instead of creating TO GET to it.
  • Attract support in your most important relationships as you as you operate in your leadership.
  • Create from belief  so that you become magnetic to the abundance you desire.
  • What patterns get to change with in you?
  • What patterns get to change with how you interact with others?
Module 3: Standing in your truth
  • Discover how to make a lasting vibrational shift that lights up your life and has you taking bold inspired actions to create your most exciting future.
  • Hold powerful boundaries around your time and energy - no more burnout or depletion required!
  • Become a powerful decision maker and make the bold moves you crave
Module 4: Prospering from the seeds of truth you planted
  • Normalize the idea of creating big wealth so that you train your subconscious to expect it.
  • Staying in the truth/watering it daily to reinforce your belief.
  • Honoring your truth and trusting your own wise guidance as you move forward.
In this immersion experience, learn to deeply embody your innate worthiness.
When you connect to yourself as worthy you:

  • Speak up! Let your message, opinion, mission be heard (and seen)

  • Operate from confidence in yourself

  • Know you belong in a room of leaders

  • Create new and empowering friendships, partnerships

  • Take bigger risks, make the bold moves

  • Invest in yourself and your growth

  • Release toxic relationships, people pleasing or feeling guilty

  • Take decisive action because you trust yourself

  • Reach for your biggest vision and see it as possible when you create FROM worthiness instead of creating TO GET to it.

  • Embrace becoming highly paid and highly sought after as you stand in your value for the great work you bring to the world.
Meet Kaela and Lisa

We’ve been partners for 30 years. First in life as mother-daughter, then in business.
Our mission is to support soulful entrepreneurs to own their power, value, and worth so that they can live an epic life, and fund it with a six-figure businesses.

We believe in being guided by spirit, intuition, and darn good business sense. If you’re ready for six figures, we’re ready for you.
